(636) 299-3854

Whether you’re taking a hot shower to start your day, washing dishes after dinner, or preparing your favorite meal, having a properly functioning water heater is something you simply cannot live without.
But there’s no need to worry – at Arch Plumbing, we can quickly identify what’s going on with your water heater and send a skilled plumber right to your doorstep to fix or replace it.

Drain Cleaning and Repair

It's a fact that plumbing systems will develop clogs at some point, and unfortunately, there is simply no way to avoid it. You can, however, have the drains in your home routinely cleaned and maintained to prevent significant problems. When a clog arises, attempting...

My Water Heater Exploded!

It was a typical day at Arch Plumbing, and I was all set to head out for my first job when the phone rang. A gentleman on the other end of the line told me that his water heater had exploded, and I couldn't believe my ears! He explained that he was on the first floor...

“Arch Plumbing and The Plumber’s Dream” are engaged in charity work

We want to express our gratitude to all our customers for their continued support, which made this charity work possible. Your business means a lot to us, and we are always happy to serve you. On behalf of Arch Plumbing and The Plumber's Dream, we thank you for...