The Plumber’s Dream is responsible for purchasing school

supplies,hygiene Supplies, hats, shoes, backpacks, pencil cases,

clothing sets for the children and a toy.

All of these will be in a basket with the child’s name.

In addition, The Plumber’s Dream will collects used clothing in good

condition to give to the parents attending that day.

We are so excited to see the children!

How to Remove Mineral Build-up on Shower Heads

Mineral deposits in the great outdoors can be one of nature's wonders. Mineral deposits form inside your shower head—not so much. All municipal water contains some dissolved mineral content, usually calcium carbonate. While they're harmless to your health and, in...

Preventative Maintenance for your Plumbing

Like cars, your home's plumbing system requires regular maintenance and upkeep to prevent costly repairs and improve the efficiency of the pipes and faucets. Here are some tips to keep the plumbing in your home's main rooms running smoothly. Bathroom: - Run hot water...

The Impact of Hard Water on Your Plumbing

While hard water can be problematic for drinking and washing, it can negatively affect your plumbing. Hard water contains a considerable amount of dissolved minerals, such as calcium. When this water is heated or evaporates, these minerals are left behind, forming a...