As the holiday season approaches, increased plumbing usage is inevitable with potential holiday parties, out-of-town guests, and double-time cooking and baking. To prevent plumbing emergencies, take precautions to keep your home plumbing running smoothly.
1. Clean out the drains: Before guests arrive, use a drain cleaner in frequently used sinks to clear out any build-up caused by increased traffic.
2. Post a bathroom sign: Place a sign in the bathroom requesting guests to flush only toilet paper and to dispose of all other items in the trash to prevent clogging.
3. Use drain covers: Place drain covers in the kitchen to catch food debris and in the shower/tubs to catch hair and soap residue.
4. Prevent kitchen sink clogs: Dispose of cooking grease and food debris such as excess flour, cookie or pie dough, and bones in the trash, not the kitchen sink. Consider using a drain cover to prevent clogs.
Remember, if you encounter a clog or major problem, it’s best to call a professional for prompt assistance.
Arch Plumbing, located in St. Charles, Missouri, has been providing quality plumbing services since 2008.
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