Like cars, your home’s plumbing system requires regular maintenance and upkeep to prevent costly repairs and improve the efficiency of the pipes and faucets. Here are some tips to keep the plumbing in your home’s main rooms running smoothly.


– Run hot water down drains once a week to help keep them free-flowing.

– Repair leaky faucets as soon as possible to avoid damage to the fixtures and faucets.

– Fit tubs and showers with strainers to catch hair and soap chips and clean them regularly.

Clean clogged shower heads by putting one cup of vinegar in a plastic bag and placing it over the head. Hold it in place with a twist tie, leave it overnight, then remove the bag and wipe off any excess.

– Your toilet is NOT a waste basket. Do NOT flush facial tissue, cotton balls, sanitary products, or diapers, as these items do not dissolve and can clog the plumbing lines. Keep a trash can nearby to throw any of these items.


Avoid putting fibrous materials such as poultry skins, carrots, celery, or banana peels into it when discussing garbage disposal. Also, refrain from putting coffee grounds down the disposal.

– After running the garbage disposer, run cold water for about 15 seconds to clear the line.

– Do NOT pour liquid grease down the drain. Dispose of cooled excess grease safely in the trash.

Clean your garbage disposer by grinding ice cubes, a small amount of detergent, and citrus rinds for about 30 seconds. Then, run cold water for 30 seconds to wash down excess debris.

Laundry Room:

It is recommended that the washing machine hoses be examined for any indications of wear. In the event of wear, take-out rubber hoses should be replaced with stainless steel braided hoses, as they offer increased durability and resistance to leaks and cracks.

– Use a filter on your washing machine hose.

-Please consider installing a flood alarm to warn early about water leaks from the washing machine, water heater, or overflowing sinks.

– If your washing machine is old, consider replacing it with a newer, more efficient front-load model.


Even with preventative maintenance, plumbing problems can and will arise. If the problem goes beyond your understanding, call your local plumber immediately. Similar to trusting an auto mechanic to fix your car troubles, it’s best to leave plumbing problems to the experts to prevent further issues. Arch Plumbing is here to assist you with professional work.


Arch Plumbing is located in St. Charles, Missouri, and has been in the service business since 2008, providing quality plumbing services.

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